Carbon footprint

The carbon footprint of an organization is the total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by direct or indirect effect through its activity.

CORES has calculated the carbon footprint of its headquarters, partially incorporating scope 3, with 2021 the base year. The inventory has been carried out based on the GHG Protocol standard, using the calculator published by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, and the emission factors by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse gas emissions. In CORES’ case, they come from the fuel consumption of its own vehicles as well as other controlled vehicles, the building's generator set and those from fugitive emissions.

Scope 2 emissions are the indirect emissions associated with the generation of electricity consumed within the Corporation's offices.

Scope 3 takes into account the emissions linked to the consumption of water and paper, and commuting and business trips.

In 2023, CORES’ carbon footprint was 47.9 t CO2 equivalent, with 6.8% coming from scope 1, 20.6% from scope 2 and the remaining 72.6% from scope 3. This represents a decrease of 19.1%, compared to 2022.

t CO2eq 2022 2023 Structure 2023 (%) VR 2023/2022 (%)
Scope 1 3.9 3.3 6.8% -16.8%
Scope 2 13.1 9.9 20.6% -24.7%
Scope 3 42.4 34.8 72.6% -17.6%
Total 59.2 47.9 100.0% -19.1%

CORES is in the process of enrolling its carbon footprint in the Spanish Registry to obtain the “calculation” seals for the year 2023. Previously CORES obtained the "calculation" seal for 2021 and 2022, as well as the "calculation+compensation" seal that certifies the partial compensation of 26 tons of the 2022 carbon footprint.

To reduce the carbon footprint, CORES publishes its reports and publications in digital format

2023 Activity report (ES)
2023 Activity report (ES)
It includes CORES' carbon footprint calculation
"calculation" seal 2021
Registration certificate - 2021 (ES)
"calculation" seal 2021
"calculation" seal - 2022
Registration certificate - 2022 (ES)
"calculation" seal 2022
"Calculation + Compensation" 2022 seal
Registration certificate - 2022 Calculation + Compensation (ES)
"Calculation + Compensation" 2022 seal