
In a clear, accessible and concise way, i_Cores offers sector information in a fast and simple format, complementing quantitative and qualitative contents. i_Cores topics cover everything from regularly-published significant sector indicators to specific reports on current matters that make it possible to know and understand the sector’s situation.

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Crude oil imports to Spain increased in May (+23.5% vs. May-23)
Increase in natural gas net imports (+1.4% vs. May 2023)
In 2023 petroleum product consumption (56.91 Mt) decreased by 1.2%
2022 Annual Statistical Report
The Spanish version of the 2022 Annual Statistical Report is available
Latest Publications
Publication title Year Month Update Files Favorites
Natural gas imports & exports May 2024 (ES) May Jul 2024 Icono PDF Natural gas imports & exports May 2024 (ES)
Preliminary consumption information May 2024 (ES) May Jul 2024 Icono PDF Preliminary consumption information May 2024 (ES)
Spain crude oil imports May 2024 (ES) May Jul 2024 Icono PDF Spain crude oil imports May 2024 (ES)
Consumption of petroleum products in Spain 2023 (ES) Dec Mar 2024 Icono PDF Consumption of petroleum products in Spain 2023 (ES)