Obligated entities

All wholesale petroleum product and liquid petroleum gas operators, as well as natural gas shippers, obligatorily and automatically become members of CORES as of the date they communicate the commencement of their activity. 

All the members are obliged to hold minimum security stocks, submit information and financially support CORES’ activities, making monthly or annual contributions based on their sales or consumption.

In addition to CORES members, other entities are obliged to maintain minimum stocks and pay fees for the product volumes not acquired from a wholesale operator or natural gas shipper: retail distributors and major consumers of petroleum products and LPG, and direct consumers in the natural gas market.

The entities obliged to maintain minimum security stocks assume the following obligations to CORES as of the activity commencement date that appears on the Statement of Compliance approved by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge:  

  • Obligation to maintain minimum stocks
  • Obligation to pay the fee
  • Obligation to send in periodic information

Additionally, there are other entities (storage facility owners, lessors, other subjects that, without being obliged, maintain stocks of hydrocarbons due to their activity or in favour of foreign subjects and natural gas distributors and carriers, as well as the System Technical Manager) that are obliged to submit information to CORES, for the purpose of verifying the data submitted by the entities obliged to maintain minimum stocks.