
What does CORES do?

CORES contributes to ensuring the security of supply of hydrocarbons in Spain by maintaining petroleum product reserves and controlling the stocks held by the industry with regard to petroleum products, liquid petroleum gases (LPG) and natural gas. Additionally, it is the statistical agent in the hydrocarbon sector in Spain.

CORES' functions were extended in May 2022 to include biofuels control. 

Moreover, CORES contributes to ensuring appropriate diversification of natural gas supplies in Spain, controlling that no one country of origin provides more than 50% of supplies, in accordance with current legal limits. 

Who are CORES members? 

  • Wholesale petroleum product operators
  • Wholesale liquid petroleum gas operators (LPG)
  • Natural gas shippers

How is information submitted?

The information is submitted through the information exchange platform infoCores, designed by CORES to guarantee security and facilitate the management of the information sent in by all of the obligated entities on its website. Use of the application requires a digital signature and representation authorisation adequate for the purpose. 

How are sales reports submitted?

It is obligatory to submit sales reports using infoCores, which can be accessed via the www.cores.es website.

What is infoCores?

infoCores is the secure information exchange platform that CORES has designed to ensure security and facilitate management of the information submitted by all the entities obliged to do so. 

What is the role of CORES in SICBIOS?

CORES does not participate in the management of the Biofuel Certification System, which is administered by the Certification Entity (Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge). CORES' functions consist of carrying out inspections related to the incorporation of biofuels in accordance with article 14 of Order ITC/2877/2008 and that relating to its sustainability, in accordance with article 15 of Royal Decree 376/2022, the Certification Entity being able to incorporate the results of the inspections carried out by CORES into the certifications it carries out.

When are the new annual fees applied?

The fees are calculated annually by CORES based on the expenditures budget presented each year at the General Assembly for its approval and subsequent ratification by Order of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge for each calendar year.

Once the fees are approved for the entities obliged to maintain minimum security stocks of petroleum products, the first statement to which they are applicable, is the statement and payment made in January for December’s sales or consumption.

In the case of the entities obliged to maintain minimum security stocks of liquid petroleum gases and natural gas, the annual summary report and payment of the fees approved in the Ministerial Order shall correspond to the sales or consumption made during the calendar year for which the fees are approved. 

What happens if an obligated entity doesn’t meet the payment deadlines?

If an obligated entity does not pay its fees by the due date, a bill will be issued for the interest accumulated for the late amount, at an interest rate 3 points above the legal rate of interest. 

Non-payment of CORES contributions or fees can be considered serious or very serious noncompliance, according to the provisions of Law 34/1998, of 7 October, on the Hydrocarbon Sector. In consequence, certain penalties may be applied and, in the most serious cases this could result in disqualification from the exercise of the activity. 

What can be done if there is an error on the sales report that was already submitted?

Another positive or negative report must be submitted, depending on the adjustment that needs to be made on the report submitted previously. It must include those amounts that correct the initial figure until it reflects the amount that should have been declared in the beginning.

If I have no activity do I have to submit the forms?

The forms must be always submitted, even when there is no operational or commercial activity, from the activity start date indicated in the notification (or document that substitutes it) approved by the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge. 

We announced our activity start-up but now we do not intend to start operations yet, what do we have to do?

You can send the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge a notification of an activity commencement delay, indicating a later date. In this case, the mandatory CORES contributions are postponed until that date. 

What happens if real sales are much different than the original sales forecast?

You can submit a letter to the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge justifying the deviation from forecasted sales and substituting the original sales plan for a new adjusted plan. 

What happens if I don’t submit information every month?

The omission of information can be considered a serious or very serious offence according to the provisions of Law 34/1998 on the Hydrocarbon Sector.

Can a company that is an obligated entity be inspected without having committed an offence?

Yes, CORES prepares an annual Inspection Plan that classifies the obligated entities according to their features and history. Based on this classification, CORES chooses the entities that will be inspected.  

Does an obligated entity have to maintain minimum security stocks at all times, or is it enough to hold them until the end of the month, when the information is reported?

Obligated entities must maintain minimum security stocks at all times.

Petroleum products

Who is obliged to maintain minimum security stocks of petroleum products and pay CORES fees?

All the obligated entities that make eligible sales, as follows: 

  • Petroleum product operators, for their annual sales in the domestic market, with the exception of sales to other wholesale operators.  
  • The companies engaged in retail distribution of oil-based fuels, for their annual sales in the domestic market not supplied by the wholesale operators. 
  • Consumers of oil-based fuels, for the part of their annual consumption not supplied by wholesale operators or by the companies engaged in retail distribution activity of petroleum products. 

Who has to submit information to CORES?

The entities obliged to maintain minimum security stocks must send the following information to CORES through infoCores:

  • Before the 20th of each month, the data report corresponding to the 29 May 2007 Resolution of the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy.
  • Before the 20th of the months of May, August, November and February, the 3G quarterly data report of the 29 May 2007 Resolution of the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy.
  • Before the 20th of each month, the monthly sales declaration.
  • Before the 31st May, the annual sales audit corresponding to the previous year. 

In addition to the entities obliged to maintain stocks, the storage facility owners, lessors and biofuel production plants are obliged to submit the following information to CORES, which will make it possible to verify the data submitted by the obligated entities: 

  • Before the 20th of each month, the data report corresponding to the 29 May 2007 Resolution of the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy.

Additionally, other subjects, that without being obliged, do maintain hydrocarbon stocks because of their activity or in favor of foreign subjects, are also required to submit information.

When do the sales declarations have to be submitted and the corresponding payment made?

The declarations must be received before the 20th of each month, reflecting the sales or consumption of the previous calendar month.

There must be a sales or consumption declaration filed even if there are no eligible sales. In this case, the report will show “zero”. 

Together with the declaration, and without CORES having to take any action, the obligated entities must pay the corresponding fee into the CORES current account indicated on the reporting form. 

How are minimum security stocks maintained?

In petroleum products, based on sales and by product groups: 

  • Road and aviation petrol
  • Road diesel fuels, other diesel fuels, kerosene for aviation and other types of kerosene  
  • Fuel oils 

Within each group of products stocks can be maintained in any of the products, for example, road diesel fuel can be kept with other diesel fuels. 

It is also permissible for stocks to be maintained in the form of raw material, based on the equivalencies assigned by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, and according to the limits established under domestic regulations.

How is the obligatory contribution amount affected by the fact that “only 90% of the stocks held can be counted toward minimum stockholding”?

Given that 10% of the stocks held cannot be counted toward maintenance of minimum stocks, they must be increased proportionately. Therefore, the calculation of total reserves to be maintained is as follows:

Stocks calculate

Given that sales among operators are not counted, if I make a sale to another company or purchase from it, how can I be sure that company is or is not an operator? 

The Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge has a list of wholesale petroleum product operators available.

During the first year of activity I have to maintain stocks based on a sales plan. Is this same rule applicable to the fee I pay to CORES?

No. The CORES fee is always paid based on the real sales of the previous month. 

Can an obligated entity apply to Cores to maintain its minimum security stocks?

Yes, an obligated entity can request to Cores to maintain minimum security stocks. For that, the obligated entity must apply in the number of days of the obligation, for the specific product groups, by the deadline and according to the allowed and approved procedures.

Can an obligated entity count the products that it stores in a service station as part of its minimum security stocks?

No. The minimum security stocks cannot include the products stored at service stations, in accordance with article 10 of RD 1716/2004.


Who is obliged to maintain minimum security stocks and pay CORES?

All the obligated entities that make eligible sales, which are:

  • LPG wholesale operators, for their annual sales in the domestic market, except sales to other wholesale operators.
  • Companies engaged in retail distribution or sales of LPG, for their annual sales in the domestic market that are not supplied by the wholesale operators.
  • Consumers of LPG, for the part of their annual consumption not supplied by wholesale operators or by the companies engaged in LPG distribution or sales.

What information has to be sent to CORES?

The entities obliged to maintain minimum security stocks of LPG must send the following information to CORES through infoCores:

  • Before the 20th of each month, the data report corresponding to the 29 May 2007 Resolution of the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy.
  • Before the 20th January, the annual sales declaration.
  • Before the 31st May, the annual sales audit corresponding to the previous year.

In addition to the obliged entities, storage facility owners and lessors are obliged to submit the following information to CORES, which will make it possible to verify the data submitted by the obligated entities:

  • The data report corresponding to the 29 May 2007 Resolution of the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy.

Additionally, other subjects, that without being obliged, do maintain LPG stocks because of their activity or in favor of foreign subjects, are also required to submit information.

When must the sales reports and the corresponding payment be made?

The report covering the previous calendar year must be received before the 20th January.

The sales or consumption report must be completed even if there are no eligible sales to report. In this case, the report will show “zero”.

Together with the report, and without CORES having to take any action, the obligated entities must pay the corresponding fee into the CORES current account indicated on the reporting form.

How is the obligatory contribution amount affected by the fact that “only 90% of the stocks held can be counted toward minimum stockholding”?

Given that 10% of the stocks held cannot be counted toward maintenance of minimum stocks, they must be increased proportionately. Therefore, the calculation of total reserves to be maintained is as follows:

Stocks calculate

Natural gas

Who is obliged to maintain minimum security stocks and pay CORES?

All the obligated entities that make eligible sales, which are:

  • Natural gas shippers, for their confirmed domestic sales.
  • Direct consumers in the market, for the part of their confirmed consumption not supplied by authorized shippers.

Who should submit information to CORES and what information should they submit?

The obligated entities must submit the following information to CORES:

  • Before the 20th of each month, the questionnaire corresponding to the 15 December 2008 Resolution of the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy.
  • Before 5th February, the form on eligible sales or consumption for the calculation of minimum security stocks.
  • Before 30th April, the annual sales report.
  • Before 30th April, a list of imports by country of origin corresponding to the previous calendar year.

In addition to the entities obliged to maintain stocks, the distributors, carriers and System Technical Manager have to provide the following information to CORES, making it possible to verify the data submitted by the obligated entities:  

  • The questionnaire corresponding to the 15th December 2008 Resolution of the Directorate General of Energy and Mining Policy.

Additionally, the System Technical Manager must submit to CORES before 15th January the available capacity of the set of basic underground storages on 1st April.

When must the sales reports and the corresponding payment be made?

The report covering the previous calendar year must be received before the 20th January. The sales or consumption report must be completed even if there are no eligible sales to report. In this case, the report will show “zero”.

Together with the report, and without CORES having to take any action, the obligated entities must pay the corresponding fee into the CORES current account indicated on the reporting form.

What is the difference  between the annual reports that I have to send in?

Before 5th February, the questionnaire 16, included in the questionnaires approved under the 15th December 2008 Resolution, must be sent by infoCores. The questionnaire includes the confirmed and interruptible sales or consumptions of the previous calendar year. CORES calculates, for each obligated subject, its obligations to maintain minimum security stocks for 1st April and 1st November, as well as for the dates included in the filling trajectory.

The sales report must be completed on infoCores before the 30th April, and it serves to determine the fee to be paid to CORES.

How are the days of confirmed sales calculated?

The obliged entities must maintain at all times 10 days of strategic stocks and 10 days of minimum operating stocks of the system.

calculation minimum security stocks

Additionally, they must maintain the days of minimum operating stocks of the user calculated annually according to article 4 of Order TED/72/2023, as of 26th January, based on the filling trajectory indicated in article 6 of that Order. Before 10th February, CORES will notify each obligated entity the amount of its obligation to maintain minimum security stocks.

If I haven’t made any sales do I have to maintain stocks?

Yes. During the first year of activity (counted from the date shown on the activity commencement notice), the obligation is calculated based on a sales forecast that must be approved by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, regardless of the real sales that are taking place. However, if your activity has continued for more than 12 months since the date shown on the activity start date notice and you have never made any sales, you are not obliged to maintain minimum security stocks. 

How can I know whether my company is obliged to diversify supply origins?

If your company’s supplies represent less than 7% of the annual Spanish market, it is not obliged to diversify its portfolio. 

If they represent more than that, and the main supplier country provides over 50% of your supply, the company may be obliged to diversify its portfolio under the terms established by the regulation.


¿Cuál es el papel de CORES en SICBIOS y qué normativa lo establece?

CORES no participa en la gestión del Sistema de Certificación de Biocarburantes, que administra la Entidad de Certificación (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico). Las funciones de CORES consisten en la realización de las inspecciones relativas a incorporación de biocarburantes de acuerdo al artículo 14 de la Orden ITC/2877/2008 y la relativas a su sostenibilidad, de acuerdo al artículo 15 del Real Decreto 376/2022, pudiendo la Entidad de Certificación incorporar a las certificaciones que realiza el resultado de las inspecciones efectuadas por CORES.

Mi empresa opera con carburantes fósiles y/o biocarburantes y otros combustibles renovables con destino al transporte: ¿es mi empresa sujeto obligado?

El artículo 41.1 de la Ley 11/2013, de 26 de julio, de medidas de apoyo al emprendedor y de estímulo del crecimiento y de la creación de empleo, establece los sujetos obligados a acreditar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de incorporación de biocarburantes y que se mantienen en la normativa de desarrollo (pulse aquí). En concreto:

  • Los operadores al por mayor, regulados en el artículo 42 de la Ley 34/1998, de 7 de octubre, del sector de hidrocarburos, por sus ventas anuales en el mercado nacional, excluidas las ventas a otros operadores al por mayor.
  • Las empresas que desarrollen la actividad de distribución al por menor de productos petrolíferos, regulada en el artículo 43 de la Ley 34/1998, de 7 de octubre, en la parte de sus ventas anuales en el mercado nacional no suministrado por los operadores al por mayor. 
  • Los consumidores de productos petrolíferos, en la parte de su consumo anual no suministrado por operadores al por mayor o por las empresas que desarrollen la actividad de distribución al por menor de productos petrolíferos.

Si su empresa se encuentra en alguno de las anteriores situaciones, es sujeto obligado. Adicionalmente a las obligaciones relativas a biocarburantes, como sujeto obligado debe también considerar que existen obligaciones relativas al mantenimiento de existencias mínimas de seguridad y Fondo Nacional de Eficiencia Energética.

¿Siendo sujeto obligado, debo darme de alta en SICBIOS?

Todos los sujetos obligados deberán realizar en el plazo de un mes, desde que adquieran su condición, la solicitud de apertura de cuenta y/o alta en el sistema de certificación (pulse aquí).

¿Tengo dudas relativas al contenido de la remisión de información de mi empresa a SICBIOS?

CORES realiza la actividad de inspección de la incorporación y la sostenibilidad de biocarburantes, por lo que las cuestiones que afecten a la remisión de información a SICBIOS debe tratarse directamente con la Subdirección General de Hidrocarburos y Nuevos Combustibles, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas (bzn-SGH@miteco.es).

No puedo acceder a SICBIOS, ¿puede CORES ayudarme?

El funcionamiento de SICBIOS se gestiona desde la Subdirección General de Hidrocarburos y Nuevos Combustibles, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas (bzn-SGH@miteco.es)

¿Debe ser coherente la información remitida a CORES por existencias mínimas de seguridad con la remitida a SICBIOS por incorporación de biocarburantes y otros carburantes renovables en transporte?

La información sobre un mismo tema remitida a los diferentes organismos debe ser siempre coherente. Los productos sujetos a obligación de incorporación de biocarburantes y otros carburantes renovables que se deben informar a SICBIOS (fundamentalmente, productos de automoción) son un subconjunto de los productos sujetos a obligación de mantenimiento de existencias mínimas de seguridad. En consecuencia, los reportes a SICBIOS y a CORES deben ser coherentes y justificarse en las auditorías los criterios que apliquen en cada caso para que la información pueda ser tratada y trazada.

En el ámbito de un expediente de inspección, ¿la información relativa a biocarburantes facilitada a CORES debe ser coherente con la que se remite a SICBIOS por incorporación de biocarburantes y otros carburantes renovables con destino transporte?

CORES, en el ejercicio de sus funciones en el ámbito de la incorporación de biocarburantes y otros combustibles renovables y de la sostenibilidad de los mismos, puede requerir la información y documentación justificativa de manera periódica o puntual a los sujetos.

La información remitida por el sujeto debe ser lo más actualizada posible y coherente con los datos que deben remitirse a SICBIOS. En caso de no disponer de la información completa de operativas recientes, se incluirá la información de biocarburantes y otros combustibles renovables en base a los acuerdos contractuales suscritos entre las partes.

Cuando en un expediente realizado por CORES, la información del sujeto obligado no es coherente con la que dicho sujeto facilita a SICBIOS, CORES informa de las discrepancias a la Entidad de Certificación de Biocarburantes para su consideración en la certificación del periodo inspeccionado.

Mi empresa ha pasado por un proceso de inspección con CORES sobre biocarburantes y/o su sostenibilidad, ¿qué sucede tras un acta?

De acuerdo a la normativa vigente, si el acta afectase a los resultados de la certificación, se traslada a la Entidad de Certificación (Subdirección General de Hidrocarburos y Nuevos Combustibles, de la Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas) para su consideración. Si el acta reflejase posibles incumplimientos de las obligaciones, se trasladaría el acta a la Autoridad Administrativa Competente (actualmente la CNMC), para que, si procediese, realice la incoación del correspondiente expediente sancionador.

¿Cuál es la regulación aplicable en el sector de biocarburantes?

El Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico dispone de una sección específica de regulación que recoge los aspectos regulatorios fundamentales en este sector (pulse aquí), así como de una sección con las resoluciones relativas a las certificaciones en SICBIOS (pulse aquí)

¿Cuál es el porcentaje de biocarburantes que debo incorporar?

El Real Decreto 1085/2015, de 4 de diciembre, de fomento de los Biocarburantes  (pulse aquí) establece los objetivos obligatorios mínimos de venta o consumo de biocarburantes con fines de transporte para el periodo 2016-2026.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos de sostenibilidad de los biocarburantes?

La Orden TEC/1420/2018, de 27 de diciembre (pulse aquí), que desarrolla los aspectos de sostenibilidad del Real Decreto 373/2022 (pulse aquí) para el Sistema Nacional de Verificación de la Sostenibilidad. Si su empresa actuase en un régimen/esquema voluntario aprobado por la Comisión Europea, y/o un régimen nacional objeto de decisión favorable por la Comisión Europea, además del Real Decreto 373/2022 deben atender a los documentos específicos que regulen cada uno. Al mismo tiempo, deben cumplir con todos aquellos aspectos generales de la normativa española que pudieren ser de afección independientemente de la forma de acreditación de la sostenibilidad.

¿A los efectos de auditar los requisitos de sostenibilidad, con qué entidad de verificación/organismo de certificación se puede contratar?

Para esquemas voluntarios, en la web de cada esquema constan los organismos de control acreditados por el esquema; para el Sistema Nacional de Verificación de la Sostenibilidad, de acuerdo con la Orden TEC/1420/2018 (pulse aquí), pueden consultar las entidades de verificación acreditadas en la web del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (pulse aquí)

Plazos para la transmisión, de la empresa vendedora a la compradora de biocarburantes, de la información relativa a la sostenibilidad del biocarburante o combustible renovable.

Para empresas transmitentes acogidas a regímenes/esquemas voluntarios, con carácter general, las pruebas de sostenibilidad (comúnmente denominadas PoS) deben transmitirse como máximo a los 30 días de realizarse la transacción; no obstante, para mayor precisión en estos casos, deben acudir a las reglas específicas del esquema voluntario en el que opere o desde el que lo reciba.

En lo relativo al Sistema Nacional de Verificación de Sostenibilidad español, los vendedores de producto sostenible deben disponer de la información de sostenibilidad que trasladen a sus clientes y ponerla a su disposición para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de estos con el contenido que la normativa indica. Así, según la Orden TEC/1420/2018 (pulse aquí), los agentes económicos deben emitir, con periodicidad mensual, un informe con respecto a las cantidades entrantes y los niveles de almacenamiento al inicio y al final del periodo, y las cantidades salientes de productos sostenibles y no sostenibles. Adicionalmente, de acuerdo con la Circular 5/2020 de la CNMC, en lo relativo al balance de masas, el periodo de cierre de inventario para los titulares de instalaciones de almacenamiento y para los sujetos obligados será como máximo de tres meses. La anterior información se considera suficiente para cumplimentar las declaraciones de sostenibilidad a transmitir entre partes a las que se refiere la Orden TEC/1420/2018.


Publications and statistics

What does CORES publish?

CORES prepares the Hydrocarbon Statistics Bulletin (HSB) on a monthly basis. It includes the most significant sector information: consumption, imports and exports, production, stocks held and prices of the most relevant products.

Annually, CORES prepares the Annual Statistical Report, which includes a numerical overview of the hydrocarbon market, both domestic and international. 

CORES also prepares the i_Cores, a tool that offers information in a clear and accessible way, complementing quantitative and qualitative contents.

When does CORES publish the Hydrocarbon Statistics Bulletin (HSB)?

The HSB is published on the 25th of each month, with data from two months before. In other words, in March the data corresponding to January is published.

When does CORES publish the Annual Statistical Report?

The Annual Statistical Report on the hydrocarbon sector is published in July with the data corresponding to the previous year.  

Where can I find the information prepared by CORES?

The statistics are found in the Statistics section.

The publications are found in the Publications section.

The i_Cores are found in the i_Cores section.

What is i_Cores?

It is a new bilingual tool that offers information in a clear, accessible way with an innovative format, complementing quantitative and qualitative contents. The i_Cores topics cover everything from regularly-published significant sector indicators to specific reports on current matters that make it possible to know and understand the sector’s situation.

What is the preliminary consumption information? How long is it valid?

The preliminary consumption information is the first estimate on consumption of the foremost petroleum product groups (LPGs, petrol, kerosene, diesel fuel and fuel oils), as well as natural gas consumption. Normally it is published on the first day of a month, with information from two months before; for example, the data corresponding to January is published the first of March. This preview is valid until the statistics for the month in question are published.

What statistics does CORES publish?

CORES prepares statistics on crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas; the figures include consumption data, imports and exports, production balances, stocks held and domestic production.

How often are the statistics updated?

Statistics are updated monthly, normally on the 12th of each month, with data from two months before; for example, the data corresponding to January is published in March. Additionally, the statistics are maintained permanently updated, so that if better information on previous months becomes available, it is included in the corresponding update.

Does CORES prepare local statistics?

CORES prepares statistics on provincial-level consumption for the following products only: 95 RON petrol, 98 RON petrol, road diesel, agricultural vehicle diesel, diesel heating fuel and low-sulphur heating fuel oil. The biofuel percentage in gasoline and diesel are also published on a provincial level. 

CORES has no local data.